Breaking Dawn rykten!

Det har varit många rykten kring Breaking Dawn men så här ligger det till: Summit Entertainment diskuterar om filmen/filmerna, inget är bestämmt ännu. Det har också gått rykten om Stephanie Meyer vill att Breaking Dawn ska bli en eller två filmer. Såhär har Stephanie skrivit på sin hemsida nyligen:

Just a quick note on the subject of the Breaking Dawn film: there is no drama over whether the book should be one movie or two. My personal feeling is that it would be very difficult to cram the whole story into one movie (as I’ve said in many interviews previous to this), but if a great way of doing that surfaces, I’m all for it. Two or one, whichever way fits the story best is fine by me, and everyone I’ve spoken with at Summit seems to feel the same way. We’re all excited to move forward on this, and we are slowly and surely getting there. I know people are anxious for news, and so sometimes gossip get fabricated to stir things up, but there’s no basis to this particular story. Steph

Postat av: sara

Jättefin blogg. :> Den kommer jag fortsätta läsa. :D

2010-01-13 @ 21:05:21

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